


2015-08-25 17:26:31




你做一件事的态度就是你对待所有事物的态度。- Whitney Cumming




1.      思考你的投资方式或是操作策略

2.      思考你如何影响你的策略或投资,并思考这些会对你的投资结果产生怎样的影响。

3.      思考你在投资或交易时如何看待你自己。



1.      为你的成功做计划:确保交易策略的正确性是非常重要的,作为一个交易员,你要依据自身条件来控制风险,交易的结果一定是计划好的、恒定的。

2.      我的钱为我做了什么?要知道,拥有一个好的交易策略,你就可以用同样的钱获得更高的收益,这比传统投资强很多,比如银行产品和债券。然而在某些情况下,你能赚到10万美元的收益,你的邻居却能赚到60万美元,投资风险还比你小。

3.      如果你花些时间去思考和改进你的策略,就可以让你的钱为你工作,而不是你为钱而工作。




Do You See What You Get from Your Investment?

Our lives run in cycles, whether it be day by day, month by month and so on, leaving little time for investment decision making.


It is historically proven that individuals spend more time planning their vacation than they do in planning their investments.

Thus, it is completely normal that we get caught up or distracted in our daily obligations and activities, to the extent that on most days our lives run in cycles whether it be day by day, month by month and so on, leaving little time for investment decision making.

However, in order to change our direction we need to reflect and think about our current position, i.e. where we stand, where we are going or where we want to be in some period.

They way you do anything is the way you do everything. -Whitney Cummings

Some common behaviors and practices by top performing individuals in any discipline, field or area of success often include meditation, journaling, self-reflection, and solitude. If we just run through life or by extension investing opportunities then we may sometimes miss obvious things around us.

On a personal note, interestingly enough my best trading ideas came when I was underwater, or meditating, or just not thinking about trading at all. Actually, far away from computer screens and trading platforms. There are three levels of self-consciousness in trading or investing:


1.      The way your investment or strategy is running

2.      How you can influence your strategy or investment and how that can change the outcome of the strategy

3.      How you look at yourself when you invest or trade

Taken as a whole, these three things can instigate profound repercussions on your trading performance, as well as yielding a large impact on the financial results of your investment.

To clarify, there are ultimately three key points that you need to know:

  1. Programming yourself for success: It is important to make sure you have the right strategy and as a trader you make constant and planned results, whereby limiting your risk to base on your personal fit.
  2. What is my money doing for me? Be aware that a good strategy can make you much higher levels of profit with the same amount of money than traditional investment funds, i.e. banking products and bonds. However, you can end up profiting with $100,000 just as your neighbor can with $600,000 invested with even less risk in some cases.
  3. If you take time to reflect and change your perception, you can make your money work harder for you than you work for your money.






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