


2011-09-20 09:08:49


83. To buy on a rising market is a most comfortable way of buying. Buy on a scale up. Sell on a scale down.


84. Commodities are never too high to begin buying or too low to begin selling. But after the initial transaction, dont make a second unless the first shows a profit.


85. Realize that the big money comes in the big swing. Whatever might seem to give a big swing, its initial impulse, the fact is that no matter who opposes it, the swing must inevitably run as far and as fast and as long as the impelling forces determine.

要意识到大笔钱来自大浪潮。无论什么是看上去会掀起大浪潮的,它最初的鼓动,事实是,不管是谁对抗它,大浪潮都无可避免地必然按照推动它的力量所决定的速度,冲到推动它的力量所决定的远处。 86. In the long run, commodity prices are governed but by one law , the economic law of demand and supply.


87. A loss never bothers me after I take it. I forget it overnight. But being wrong and not taking the loss , that is what does the damage to the pocket book and to the soul.


88. It is profitable to study your mistakes.


89. Of all speculative blunders, there are few greater than selling what shows a profit and keeping what shows a loss.


90. Nothing is new in commodities! The game does not change and neither does human nature.


91. In a bear market, it is always wise to cover if complete demoralization suddenly develops.


92. The principles of successful commodity speculation is based on the supposition that people will continue in the future to make the mistakes that they have made in the past.


93. In a bull market and particularly in booms, the public at first makes money, which it later looses simply by overstaying the bull market.


 107. Disregard all prognostications. In the world of money, which is a world shaped by human behavior, nobody has the foggiest notion of what will happen in the future. Mark that word-nobody! Thus the successful trader bases no moves on what supposedly will happen but reacts instead to what does happen.


108. Worry is not a sickness but a sign of health. If you are not worried, you are not risking enough.


109. Except in unusual circumstances, get in the habit of taking your profit too soon. Dont torment yourself if a trade continues winning without you. Chances are it wont continue long. If it does console yourself by thinking of all the times when liquidating early preserved gains you would otherwise have lost.


110. When the ship starts to sink, dont pray-jump!


111. Life never happens in a straight line. Any adult knows this. But we can too easily be hypnotized into forgetting it when contemplating a chart. Beware of the chartists illusion.


112. Optimism means expecting the best, but confidence means knowing how you will handle the worst. Never make a move if you are merely optimistic.


113. Whatever you do, whether you bet with the herd or against, think it through independently first.


114. Repeatedly reevaluate your open positions. Keep asking yourself: would I put my money into this if it were presented to me for the first time today? Is this trade progressing toward the ending position I envisioned?




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