


2017-02-13 17:55:44




我们都知道锻炼有益于身体健康,锻炼在对抗压力中扮演着特殊的角色。哈佛医学博士John Ratey称有氧运动是一种神奇的药品,能够增强心脏跳动,是缓解压力的最佳方式之一。调查显示,坚持锻炼不仅会降低压力带来的风险,也会缓解长期压力带来的焦虑和抑郁。事实上,慢跑与百忧解等治疗精神抑郁的药物拥有同样的效果。

除此之外,锻炼还会提高交易员的学习能力。Ratey 博士将有氧运动成为大脑“生长剂”。因为锻炼释放出的化学物质能够影响神经系统,帮助学习和记忆。研究结果显示,学生在课前做广播操,学习成绩就会提高17%。如果你想对市场有更深入的了解,在研究图表之前先走走步吧。





Trading Psychology: Be a Healthy Trader

Author: GaryDayton April 13, 2016
Most people would agree that being healthy is one of the most important things in your life, whatever your profession.  As a trader, you may have already experienced the stress that goes with trading.  In fact, trading is fraught with stress, and stress—especially the kind of chronic stress many traders are familiar with—can be very damaging to one’s health.  Chronic stress has been linked to all the major diseases and may cause premature death.  No trader is free from the stresses of trading.  Fortunately, there are a couple of things you can do that may effectively help you combat stress, promote your health, and, perhaps, even your longevity.


We all know exercise supports good health, and it plays a special role in stress.  If we could bottle aerobic exercise, says Harvard MD John Ratey, we’d have a miracle drug.  Aerobic exercise such as jogging, swimming, biking and other activities that get your heart pumping, is one of the most effective things we can do for stress.  Research has shown that consistent aerobic exercise not only significantly reduces stress and its ill effects, but it can also be highly effective in dealing with anxiety and depression—frequent companions of chronic stress.  In fact, jogging is just as effective as Prozac and the other medications designed for depression and anxiety.

As a side benefit important to traders, aerobic exercise also aids in learning.  In this regard, Dr. Ratey calls aerobic exercise “Miracle Grow” for the brain.  Exercise releases neurochemicals that help us learn and remember.  Research has shown that students improve academic performance by 17% in only one semester with a period of calisthenics before classes.  If you really want to learn how to read the markets, jog before your study your charts.


Mindfulness is another way to directly reduce the stress in our lives.  Mindfulness is an ancient mental practice that helps us cultivate a mental space where we see our thoughts and feelings as just thoughts and feelings that quickly pass, not something permanent or even something we must respond to.  Mindfulness helps us to see that fear, anxiety and the stresses of trading are really manufactured in the mind and often don’t reflect reality.  How many times, for example, have you gotten out of a trade for fear of losing money and the market continued to move in your direction?

Mindfulness positively affects us on multiple levels.  It is an effective stress buster.  One of the best stress reduction programs for people who are otherwise mentally healthy but have high stress is based on mindfulness.  Brain scan research of ordinary people taught mindfulness shows that the brain’s fear center—theamygdala—actually shrinks with the practice of mindfulness and connections between the fear center and other brain regions that interpret and control our fear response strengthen.  These actual changes in the brain correlate strongly with reported reduction in stress.  From the perspective of trading psychology, mindfulness is the most effective method to learn not to become hijacked by emotions and keep yourself focused on what is important for your trading, while at the same time dissolving the tensions and strain we feel from stress.

Getting enough aerobic exercise and practicing mindfulness will not only reduce your stress and help you trade better, but they may also help maintain your health and potentially live longer, so you can enjoy the results of your trading to the fullest.



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