

供应过剩致担忧 原油创一周新低

2016-02-02 16:42:14



在纽约商品期货交易所,3月交割的轻质低硫原油期货的价格跌至每桶31美元。在伦敦 ICE 期货交易所,四月交割的布伦特原油下跌1.8%,跌至每桶33.61美元,是周四以来的最低价。








澳大利亚国家银行首席经济学家 Alan Oster 认为,占据中国经济半壁江山的制造业和建筑业将在今年增长8.5%。他还表示,即使中国将经济重心转移至服务业,陆运和空运方面对石油也是有需求的。

Oster 说:中国经济没有崩溃,但包括石油在内的大宗商品的需求也不会有大幅增加。


ICE 2月交割的汽油的交易价格为每公吨294.5美元,较周一下跌了4.25美元。


Crude prices drop to nearly one-week low as supply worries build

Crude-oil prices hit a nearly one-week low in Asian trade Tuesday, as more fresh supplies are set to hit the market and data showed manufacturing activity in China remained weak.

On the New York Mercantile Exchange, light, sweet crude futures for delivery in March CLH6, -1.87%  traded at $31 a barrel, down $0.61, or 2% in the Globex electronic session and its lowest since Wednesday. April Brent crude LCOJ6, -1.78% on London’s ICE Futures exchange fell $0.63, or 1.8%, to $33.61 a barrel, its lowest since Thursday.

The mismatch between oil supply and demand has strained prices for nearly two years. Analysts say a price correction could happen in the second half of this year, as they expect some high-cost producers to halt production to avert debt defaults or operational losses.

“The recovery in oil prices remains fragile amid slowing global growth and concerns around the effectiveness of policy measures for commodity demand,” said ANZ Research in a note.

Goldman Sachs, one of the first banks to forecast a plunge to $20 a barrel before a turnaround for oil, reiterated its prediction Monday and said a near-term collective cut by Russia and major Middle Eastern producers would be highly unlikely.

A cut at this point would be self-defeating because it would jump-start prices and encourage producers to pump more, the bank said. Iran’s plan to increase production has also amplified fears of a swelling surplus. Tehran has said it won’t consider a production cut until its exports hit 1.5 million barrels a day. Adding to the worries, a record-high oil and gas condensate output of 10.73 million barrels from Russia last year is also pushing the global surplus higher.

“Crude oil prices slumped once again on supply concerns, now that the markets are eyeing another episode of higher U.S. inventories,” said OCBC in a note.

Latest data showed U.S. crude stockpiles grew for the third straight week to 8.4 million barrels in the week ended Jan. 22, as refinery activity slowed because of seasonal maintenance. Citi Futures expects an increase of 5 million to 6 million barrels in the week ended Jan. 29. U.S. crude inventories and production data for last week is scheduled for release Wednesday.

The downbeat sentiment was further fuelled by China’s latest soft manufacturing data, which registered a sixth straight month of contraction in January. However, some say the fear could be overblown as China’s oil demand will likely be supported by the industrial sector while the economy shifts toward a more services-oriented one.

Alan Oster, chief economist at National Australia Bank, said he expects China’s manufacturing and construction sector, which makes up about half of China’s economy, to grow by 8.5% this year. Moreover, oil is still needed in the services sector for transportation and freight, he added.

“I don’t see the Chinese economy falling over, but I don’t see a huge increase in demand for commodities, including oil,” Oster said.

Nymex reformulated gasoline blendstock for March NGH16, -1.02%  — the benchmark gasoline contract — fell 36 points to $1.0794 a gallon, while March diesel traded at $1.0310, 55 points lower.

ICE gasoil for February changed hands at $294.50 a metric ton, down $4.25 from Monday’s settlement. 





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